NEWS about Acoustic Album
The latest news of Silent Sprout,About Acoustic
Silent Sprout初のAcousticアルバム。
『Aco Nadeshiko』
5th album by melody-maker duo Silent Sprout. It has been 4 years since they released the last one and this is their first acoustic album. Silent Sprout have been through many acoustic live shows and those experiences made them work on this album. Maintained the beauty of acoustic instruments, now their treasured sound is going to bloom like 'Nadeshiko'.[which means Dianthus.]
track1. はじまりの唄 start again
track2. 願いの歌 hope
track3. 犬と猫 dog and cat
track4. 僕の部屋の話 my home
track5. あわいろピンク pale pink
track6. 甘い夢 sweet dream
track7. 君のそばで beside you
track8. ヘブン〜ピアノの部屋バージョン heaven [nor's piano ver.]
track9. その庭 The garden
track10. いつの日にか someday
track11. グッドイヴニング・グッドイヴニング Good Evening Good Evening
track12. フライト・セレナーデ〜四谷天窓バージョン
fright serenade [yotsuyatenmado ver.]
track13. 形なきもの。それは優しく。 tender (track9〜13はCD版のみ収録)